Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sona Grigoryan Inspired Polymer clay Bangle

I stumbled upon Sona Grigoryan youtube channel and I fell in love instantly with her one-of-a-kind bangle tutorial. I can't wait any longer for my Fimo clays to arrive so I just used whatever color I have on hand. My first attempt was a total mess because it came out too big for my wrist! 

Now for my second attempt it came out just fine because I made my bangle "flat" not rounded. I  almost gave up because when I'm about to finish the holes that I made, I noticed that my raw clay bangle is no longer sticking to the soda can!I don't want all my hard work to be put into waste again so I've decided to cut an extra length of clay , connect them again and walahh it worked! 

I've learned something while making my Sona Bangle  ... never ever give up =)

I just love how it turned out;)..you can visit Sona's youtube channel by clicking HERE. I like her a lot so be sure to check her out;)

that's all for now, goodnight everyone!



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